Saturday 12 May 2012

Painting 4

So carrying on with this main pattern really... still working on my other model so paintings going slower than normal - and also because he's pretty big compared to what I'm used to painting!

Loin cloth test at the beginning of the day, haven't dyed it yet...

I hope to graduate the pattern out more with smaller blips of pigmentation similar to the face. I'll then add a second colour etc...

Thursday 10 May 2012

Painting 3

I added some moles and freckles by flicking colour on (so the placement was completely random). I then realised it would be better to add these after I'd applied the main skin pattern. I'd laser cut some airbrush stencils out to use and tried one out on the back of my faun man bust - then on some tests I did on my styrene work surface I outlined the shapes which I quite liked... I based the skin pattern on a mix between real animals, old colour tests on the maquette and a certain brush on Photoshop that created a random splattered pattern... (see colour test in previous post).

 I'll carry on with his tomorrow and move the pattern round the head, arms and legs... Also once another colour and freckles are added etc the pattern won't look so 'painted on'.

Wednesday 9 May 2012

Painting 2

Second day of painting - yesterday was mostly setting up properly and working on my other model.

I started by warming up the skin with some blush tones. I hope to try and upload the time lapse on here once I've edited the files together but before then here's just some images...

I then started to brown up the areas where more hair will grow... I did this by applying thinned down paint on and taking the excess off with a soft brush so as not to drown out the texture in the skin... The first to photos show me mixing equal parts A (clear) and B (two colours in this case), and then thinning them down with naphtha for strippling or airbrushing...

The wet FuseFX paints look very shiny and dry to a shimmer if it is left. After the last layer of paint I will spray the entire surface with clear Platgel A and B and then use matting powder (or icing sugar) to leave a matte texture on the surface. This will hopefully make him look less wet and painted...

Tuesday 8 May 2012


Finally I have reached a point where I need to start painting this thing! I transported the Kijimuna (nicknamed Edney - a mix of two people's names I used as sculpting reference) and set up a painting station in a cordoned-off part of the studio - I had to stay away from people's high-finish painted models if I was spraying silicone around. I also put an extractor behind where I was working and set up the time lapse camera to document the process. I cut a large circular board to rest on top of a turntable so I could spin him round.

I will be predominantly using Guy Louis' FuseFX platinum paint systems to paint this. If there are shades of colour I can't achieve with them I shall make my own paint with bathroom sealant, oil paints and low odour white spirit. Here's my set up:

I'll be using both my airbrushes for different type of spraying - both are capable of fine and large sprays but I prefer them for different thing. The left is a double action, pistol grip GREX Tritium TG and the right is a double action IWATA HP- C Plus. Double action is not really necessary a lot of the time but I find it useful...

This is my baby Iwata NinjaJet compressor - it's so small it doesn't have its own air tank, moisture trap or pressure gauge but it works great and fits in my bag!

FuseFX parts As are in the blue-lidded pot, Part Bs in the compressor box, mixing cups, varying brushes, sponges, IPA, kitchen towel, lighter fluid (naphtha), mixing sticks and a test cast of a previous project I can test paints on.