Friday, 24 February 2012

New eye blank close-ups

So yesterday I got the right sized eye blanks into the sculpt and positioned them exactly how I wanted them to look in the final model.

The direction of the eyes make the Kijimuna looks like he's just been caught in the middle of something. I grabbed an average sized person from Modelmaking and made sure the eyes were looking at them so most people at our end-of-year show will think it's looking right at them.

Thursday, 23 February 2012


The glass eyes I ordered from Tohickon finally arrived today - Since before I started sculpting I've been trying to source a pair of 40mm eye blanks to use in the sculpt that would match the ones from Tohickon, the closest I had was 38mm (3/4 round blanks instead of the 1/2 blanks that were needed) so those were the ones I've sculpted round until today. I made a quick Otoform mould of one of the Tohickon eyes, cast out 2 fast cast blanks and replaced the 38mm ones with these so the eye sockets in the final model would be exactly the right size. I also drew on exactly where the pupil's would be. A bit last minute but worth it because this will save me time at the end when I would have had to bulk out the sockets to make them fit.